Priya Developers, Satara presents
"Hotels in Satara"

A hotel is an establishment that provides paid lodging on a short-term basis.

Product features

App needs permission to access: Open network sockets | Access information about network

Product features

Adisplay services
Limited top hotels

Product features

View location of hotels |
Call facility |
Image slide show

Hotels In Satara version 1.0 Android App by Priya Developers

Facilities provided may range from a modest-quality mattress in a small room to large suites with bigger,

higher-quality beds, a dresser, a refrigerator and other kitchen facilities, upholstered chairs, a flat screen television, and en-suite bathrooms.

Small, lower-priced hotels may offer only the most basic guest services and facilities.

Buy just $0.99

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Hotels In Satara product a Android OS based which is developed by

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Bootstrap startup product by "Priya Developers"